Nick:"This for me has been the buy of the decade,a simple yet extremely effective device,that basically does what it says on the tin".
The BackMagic is specifically designed to relieve back pain due to tight muscles, the loss of lumber curve and poor spinal alignment. Targeting the lumbar region of the lower back the BackMagic is an easy to use solution for spinal tightness and tension.
We all spend way too much time sitting, which negatively alters our posture by flattening our lower back and neck curves.
This inevitably causes stiffness and tightness of the postural muscles that are attached to our spine. The BackMagic is an effective and portable device that can easily help to alleviate this universal problem.
Use the BackMagic twice a day for only 5 minutes and your spine will become more flexible and your posture will totally transform. You will be able to stand taller and look and feel better in just 10 minutes a day. If in any doubt read the reviews which are everywhere for this simply but effective problem solver.
Health Tip:
If you have a recognised back or neck condition including any Spondylosis, Osteoporosis, Severe Arthritis, Spondylolisthesis, Spinal Lesions/Tumours, and Acute Fractures, consult your doctor before use.
Part of your daily routine
Before using the BackMagic read the user guide to maximize the benefits.
Perform a five-minute stretch per session in your desired position. Two sessions a day are recommended, although you may enjoy using the BackMagic even three times a day. Pay special attention to your daily progress. Individual results may vary. Some users experience immediate relief and noticeable benefits, while others may take several weeks.
Start by using the BackMagic for 1 minute twice a day. Even with this minimum amount of use you should expect to feel the affects as your body adjusts. As your flexibility and posture improve you may want to advance to Level 2. Progression to Level 3 should only be considered if you are high flexible. i.e. you already do yoga, pilates, gymnastics or athletics.
Handy Tip:
Relax! One of the keys to a good tension relieving stretch is relaxation. Take a deep breath, exhale gently, and let your body weight work together with gravity. You will achieve a greater stretch and arrive at a more relaxed state sooner.
How to use
The BackMagic was designed to make your life more enjoyable through better back health. Use the BackMagic to stretch muscles and relieve back pain due to tight muscles, excessive flexion, and poor spinal alignment. Incorporate it into your daily routine to achieve maximum results. The user guide goes into more detail on the various exercises and routines.

Get Ready
Sit with your back to the arch. Slowly lie back onto the Support Arch with your knees bent. The wide end of the unit should be positioned close to the base of your spine so that the Support Arch supports your Lumbar region of your back. Try to center your spine in the slot that is designed to cradle your spine and provide extra comfort.
Simple Stretch Position
Relax as much as possible and breath normally. With your knees bent, rest your arms at your sides. This position provides the least amount of stretch and is the easiest to do when starting out. If a greater stretch is desired, proceed to the following positions.
Moderate Stretch Position
Raise your arms over your head and shoulders and rest them as close to the floor as you can for an additional stretch. In time it will become easier, and you may be able to extend your arms fully and rest your elbows comfortably on the floor.
Maximum Stretch Position
Extend your legs and arms fully, as shown in the photo. Remove the pillow from beneath your head for the maximum amount of stretch. Feel your back, shoulder, chest and abdominal muscles stretching, and concentrate on relaxing as much as possible.
Roll Off And Recover
Roll onto your side and off the BackMagic. Sit up gradually and rest for 30 seconds before standing. Remember, you have just had a major stretch and you should allow your blood to move back down from your head to your heart, otherwise you may become dizzy.